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第十章 欢迎奥康纳大法官(第7 / 8页)

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<a href="#w61">[61]</a> Ibid.

<a href="#w62">[62]</a> “Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor and Chief Justice Warren Burger on Steps of Supreme Court,Washington DC,” image by Ron Bennett Photography,http://ronbennett.photoshelter.com/image/I0000Del5UB91v3M.

<a href="#w63">[63]</a> Mary Schroeder,interview with the author,February 27,2014.

<a href="#w64">[64]</a> Darragh Johnson,“Sandra Day O’Connor:Well Judged,” <i>Washington Post</i>,March 7,2006,http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/03/07/AR2006030700008_2.html.

<a href="#w51">[51]</a> Wilbur Colom,e-mail to the author,November 11,2014.

<a href="#w52">[52]</a> Ibid.

<a href="#w53">[53]</a> John Wiley to Powell,Lewis F. Powell,Jr. Archives,Washington and Lee University School of Law,<i>Hogan</i> folder.

<a href="#w54">[54]</a> Powell notes on conference votes,Lewis F. Powell,Jr. Archives,Washington and Lee University School of Law,<i>Hogan</i> folder.

<a href="#w55">[55]</a> Powell memo to file,Lewis F. Powell Jr. Archive,Washington and Lee University School of Law,<i>Hogan</i> folder.

<a href="#w41">[41]</a> “Ginsburgs Say Clubs Scored Poorly in Conscience,” <i>Orlando Sentinal </i>(<i>Washington Post</i>),June 20,1993,http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/1993-06-20/news/9306200267_1_martin-ginsburg-harvard-club-country-club.

<a href="#w42">[42]</a> Ruth McGregor,Preliminary Memorandum,October 30,1981,Lewis F. Powell,Jr. Archives,Washington and Lee University School of Law,<i>Hogan</i> case file.

<a href="#w43">[43]</a> <i>Rostker v. Goldberg</i>,453 U.S. 57(1981);<i>Michael M. v. Superior Court of Sonoma County</i>,450 U.S. 464(1981).

<a href="#w44">[44]</a> Stephen Gilles,interview with the author,March 28,2014.

<a href="#w45">[45]</a> “School Desegregation,” <i>West</i>’<i>s Encyclopedia of American Law </i>(2005),http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/School_integration.aspx.

<a href="#w56">[56]</a> Powell memo to Wiley,Lewis F. Powell,Jr. Archives,Washington and Lee University School of Law,<i>Hogan</i> folder.

<a href="#w57">[57]</a> Avis Thomas-Lester,“A History Scarred by Lynchings,” <i>Washington Post</i>,July 7,2005,http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/06/AR2005070600637.html.

<a href="#w58">[58]</a> Burger to Powell and Powell to Burger,June 22,1982,Lewis F. Powell Jr. Archive,Washington and Lee University School of Law,<i>Hogan </i>folder.

<a href="#w59">[59]</a> Powell,revised draft dissent,June 25,1982,Lewis F. Powell,Jr. Archives,Washington and Lee University School of Law,<i>Hogan </i>folder.

<a href="#w60">[60]</a> Wilbur Colom,e-mails to the author,November 11,2014.

<a href="#w46">[46]</a> Jill Elaine Hasday,“The Principle and Practice of Women’s ‘Full Citizenship’:A Case Study of Sex-Segregated Public Education,” University of Chicago Public Law and Legal Theory Working Paper no.35(2002),http://chicagounbound.uchicago.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1333&amp;context=public_law_and_legal_theory.

<a href="#w47">[47]</a> Ibid.

<a href="#w48">[48]</a> Ibid.

<a href="#w49">[49]</a> Birney Imes,“Joe Hogan’s Legacy,” The Dispatch,March 14,2009,http://www.cdispatch.com/opinions/article.asp?aid=678&amp;TRID=1&amp;TID=.

<a href="#w50">[50]</a> Hasday,“Principle and Practice.”

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